Tuesday, December 15, 2020

If You'Re Going To Be Salty Bring The Tequila T Shirt

Virginia has gotten a If You'Re Going To Be Salty Bring The Tequila T Shirt little bit more purple this year is one of the most important battleground states that all my fellow Virginians and everyone who lives in a swing state I will tell you that the results of this year’s presidential election will depend largely on with you your friends and your family but even if you don’t live in battleground state that is needed to set up a selection nine and I don’t work like that is a safe and easy way you can play a big role in the places that will decide selection no matter where you making calls and sending text messages with in person has enlarged on hold making calls is any text of voters will be one of the best ways persuade swing voters and boost turnout leading up and it doesn’t matter where in the country and protected from the Dutch directly with voters in Virginia Michigan is constant Pennsylvania Arizona whatever backgrounds do you choose to learn how to get involved textual to 303 30 right now it party Right now just Glenn text joined the 303 30 of the. It and it be the work of art ministration to make sure they get a fair shot working families need someone on their side this nation because they certainly don’t have anyone in the president now on their side change in my Harrison ministration is going to be gratifying to see the strong enthusiasm reaction to Sen Harris as our next vice president know it comes from people all over the country is already occurring all over the country all ideological views all backgrounds offensive course we are predictable some of them become small over except of course from Donald Trump’s White House and his allies yelled it was coming sector y axis to itJohn. John 20 medical claim before we can for it to the union where we actually incident the numbers speak for themselves right now are talking over 8 million cases of pandemic started over 220 000 deaths and you look at desperate hundred thousand we are still one of the top five deaths in the kind in the world as far as countries are

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That’s a If You'Re Going To Be Salty Bring The Tequila T Shirt promise but he said take heart I have overcome the world is important for us to understand that so over the last one point number seven Jesse DeLillo church music over there with your is simply this my mom said this is shout out to my momand I cannot I can’t remember how many times she said is a member not saying she said God always gives the best to those who leave the choice to him God always gives the best of those who leave the choice to himand I think sometimes that’s the struggle for us is I want my will I want my wayand we want God to bend to our willand our wayand she followed it up my favorite verses Scripture Proverbs chapter 3 verse fiveand six trust in the Lord of all your hardand lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge himand he will direct your paths into keywords there is all your heartand all your ways challenge sometimes is a think we just got our hearts but we don’t give them are ways or maybe we given our waysand we look like we got altogether but their secrets in our heart we haven’t actually given that the key is to trust him with all my heartand all of my ways maybe that’s where you are right now just pay I’ve been through some stuff are going through some hard timesand how could God ever love me how could God ever forgive me but that the number one thing that I deal with from people’s is not believing that God could love them where they are what what you have to remember is he created a bunch of my favorite stories is about an American businessman who I do business all over the worldand on this particular trip he was in Parisand he would always stop it like a little trinket shops not souvenir shops it would buy his wife something special from the country not like like when he’s in Paris in bottle Eiffel Tower he went to like this little pawnshop in repairs without that fleamarket they was amazing fun the need to slow things he found this little necklaceand he brought it homeand he took it to a jewelry bought for five American dollars he took it to a jewelerand the choice is what you clean this upand prepared for my wife so he cleaned it upand we went back to the jeweler du jour said listen he said I like to buy this piece from youand the gusset well it’s not Purcell what what were you offer any so I would give you 25 000 for this necklace to be in the smart businessman said no thank you I’ll take it easy to to a reputable jewelry appraiserand in prison we were with me a couple days let me research a look at me see what I can figure out we came back a couple days later he said how much the guy offered is a 25 000 the cement is a good thing you didn’t take it because an auction to support three maybe four times that is what makes it so valuable it is just literally about this for five American dollars in Paris he said it is not necessarily the metal that makes it valuable before so the recent after after was clean there’s an inscription here in the inscription read to Josephine from Napoleon when the greatest conquerors of our history of history of the world had bought this the woman that he loved so wasn’t necessarily the metal that was valuable it was the name was on the metal that gave it its valueand here’s what I would tell you it’s not who you are that makes you valuable it’s who you are is a no matter what pain you’ve been through no matter how dirty the matter how broken are covered up you are if his name is on you that’s what gives you valueand at this point you have to just trust that he’s able to love you through your pay for your heart ache through your failures to your mistakes never left youand is not to start now always to prayand as we pray owns the practice together visiting there so many people don’t even know where to start user I would say your starting point is to submit your life to himand said okay got to put your name on my life no matter my brokenness the matter my heart ache matter must shame the matter my mistakes is a lot of us live our lifeand regrets I want to live in shame what you live trusting the gods in the coverall that you pray with me everybody in here was our heads was for this together we break out loud with me Jesus a loving thank you for loving me thank you for forgiving me a repent of all of my sins would you put your name on my life cover my past cover my mistakes I give you my painand in return receive your grace your mercyand your loveand your forgivenessand I will walk in freedom in Jesus name Amen amen my hope is right now the right where you are at all this amazing advising is it really good job that that you would be that he saved effective you gave your life to Jesus if you said okay I’m saying yes to Jesus is when you acknowledge him he will acknowledge you in our church online platform we literally have a point that you can click this is I gave my life to Jesus or just click that button is literally a digital hand race if you’re watching a histogram or your watch on YouTube are you watching on Facebook just give us a hand mojo site that was me I made that decision to follow Jesus todayand we will celebrate you but also you have a next appears next that we want you to hope city. That has made and we have existential progress of the invested 12 billion pounds in the system and it is making a real difference but you’re right we can always do better and we will keep you have said that you said opening up the economy what you talk about a lot at relies on test and trace was doing its job you think you can delete still think it already is doing its job and of the fabric without testing 250 000 people a day hundreds of thousands of people are isolating a result of of that process I which is good could that helps us express spread of the virus we also have testing which allows us to do population survey testing every week to get a really accurate picture of what thing with the virus through the office of national statistics and the exit testing capability allows us to be more targeted in our interventions and localized in our approach in those the role tools that we didn’t have the beginning of this crisis that we do now and that’s why think the investment is paying dividends that we we will. Be using our drive through’s and are parking lots with SWAT testing as so again you’ll see that coming online in May and we also recognize the fact that the viruses disproportionately affecting our minority communities so were working in partnership with organizations like the national medical Association at to bring testing and care into the traditionally underserved communities Russell beginning to implement mobile capabilities with which to do that and as businesses are you restarting their workforce will also be looking to assist them as they begin to come back to a normal operation and finally as my other colleagues I just want to thank my CVS colleagues may have done a phenomenal job in terms of helping people in many different ways all across communities in the country and their part of this army of healthcare professionals and the upfront store and if first line supervisors and workers that are doing terrific things to bring our country together and for that I wheeled him a huge amount of gratitude thank
See Other Shirt: If You'Re Going To Be Salty Bring The Tequila T Shirt

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